Thank You to Our Service Men and Women

On Veteran’s Day we honor those who served, and continue to serve, our country.  

Happy Flag Day!
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: John via Compfight

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”
~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

As President Kennedy suggested, “Actions speak louder than words.”  What can we do to live by the words “Veterans Day”?  How can we genuinely express our gratitude and appreciation to the men and women who dedicated their very lives so that others may live in peace and with freedom?

One way we decided to to show our appreciation as a nation was to create  Veterans Day.  

What are some tangible ways you can honor our veterans?

  • Thank a veteran in person or in writing.
  • Provide a service to others in honor of those who serve.
  • Learn about Veterans’ Day.
  • Visit a veterans or war memorial.
  • Pray for our veterans and the people they are helping.
  • Donate to a charity that supports veterans.
  • Display the American flag at your home.
  • Sing the National Anthem respectfully at sporting events.
  • Wear red, white, and blue on patriotic holidays.

Can you think of any other ways to show appreciation to our veterans? 

Have you ever done something to show appreciation for our veterans?  

What have you done to serve others?

Serving others through Bingo; providing a goat and baby chicks to a poor family.

Serving others through Bingo; providing a goat and baby chicks to a poor family.

Serving others rice, one grain at a time.

Serving others rice, one grain at a time.

Serving other through tabs; collecting tabs for Shriners Hospitals.

Serving other through tabs; collecting tabs for Shriners Hospitals.







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51 thoughts on “Thank You to Our Service Men and Women

  1. Hi Mrs.Donofrio! I can think of ways to show appreciation for other veterans.
    1. Send your halloween candy to the soldiers.
    2. Make baskets for the veterans with treats or stuff to help them in the military.
    Yes, i have done something for the veterans.
    1. I made a basket of essentials for my uncle nick and his friends in the military. What have you done for the veterans?

  2. Hi Mrs Donofrio
    My blog post is going to be a little different because i am from Ukraine and i am going to talk about Ukrainian military.

    There are many things to help veterans but my way would be to fly to a military base and make medals and give the veterans. What i would do to appreciate the army is that i wold wear a t-shirt that has a Ukrainian poem about veterans. What i would do to serve the others is that i would donate food and cloth or help somebody if they are sick. What would you do to serve somebody and what wold you also do to appreciate the veterans?

  3. Hey Mrs. Donofrio! Great blog post, i really like the saying “Actions speak louder than words.” it is a true saying that we should live by. Anyways, besides all of that i have done something to appreciate veterans, which was make cards for the army and military people who serve for our country. I can also think of another way to appreciate veterans which would be sending them a card that has a note written on it thanking them for all they do for us. I have served people by helping with school fundraisers for the sick, and i knit with the class for the people at the nearby nursing home. Do you have a veteran in your family or friends?


  4. Hey Mrs Donofrio
    There are a lot of ways to serve Veterans Day.
    What I do to serve the men and woman are to
    go to a Veterans Day Memorial and honer
    the Veterans.My name was named after a family member
    that was a veteran.He died for being so brave.He was
    fighting the Germans and then he said I will see if
    there are any Germans out there,and then he got shot in the head.Do you ever go to a Veterans Day Memorial?


  5. Dear Mrs. Donofrio,

    I have a lot of ways to appreciate our veterans by writing a letter, or wear red, white, and blue and lots more! Interviewing my neighbor was something that I thought was appreciating to the veterans. One thing that I did to serve others was helping other people that need help. Have you ever interviewed a veteran? Do you have a veteran in your family?

  6. Dear Mrs.Donofrio,

    I don’t think that there are any more ways to show appreciation. But, I have done some thing to show appreciation one day when I was in boy scouts. We put flags on the peoples graves who served in the army or military to show them that we are so happy that they sacrificed their life for us in the war.

  7. Dear Mrs. Donofrio,
    Hello, Mrs. Donofrio. Your blog post was great, and very inspirational. Veterans are very important for our country. They fight for our freedom! I know that there are so many veterans I have yet to thank. They live all over the world! I can think of many ways that I could show appreciation to the veterans I have not met. I can send a card to a veteran that is serving right now, or that is in pain on a hospital bed. It is so important for the ones that are hurt from serving for our county to get these cards. It can make them smile! After all that they did for our country, that is the least we could do. I have recently done something to show appreciation for our veterans. My class and I went to visit the preschoolers at our school to help them make cards for the veterans. We all wrote the same message, but customized it to make each and every one different. Just doing that made me feel good. Serving others seems like a hard topic to discuss. There are so many things we do daily that serves others. Such as picking up trash, donating to Goodwill, and passing down clothes to others that are too small for you. Something I have done to serve others was helping out at Boo Bingo. Yes, I know it seems fun, but the whole purpose was to raise money to buy poor children farm animals. Mrs. Donofrio, a teacher at my school, organized this. I am sure that so many kids now have food on the table, and milk to drink. Do you have any veterans in your family? Are they male or female? When did they serve?

  8. Hello Mrs. Donofrio,

    I really love your blog because of all the red and blue colors you have wrote. A couple of ways I have shown appreciation for our veterans is by writing thank you letters to the veterans that have served our country; another way i showed appreciation to our veterans by wearing red, white, and blue to represent my country and the veterans that serve in it.

    Some way that i serve others is by being kind to them and by being respectful.

    • Hi Jacob,
      Isn’t it interesting that you wrote a comment about the symbolic colors of our country on the same day we spoke about the symbolism of colors in language arts class? I love it when I see someone wearing a shirt that has the flag on it. I think it is a great way to let a lot of people know you are proud of and appreciate America. That is wonderful way to support our veterans.
      ~Mrs. Donofrio

  9. Dear Mrs. Donofrio,
    I think that was a wonderful post. It was very inspiring. My brother-in-law served for our country in Afghanistan. I’m so thankful that we have veterans to keep us safe. They are a very important part in our country. To help out veterans in need, my family and I donate to the Salvation Army. We usually donate twice a year. This past summer we donated three garbage bags of clothes and three boxes of toys. I have also sent cards to veterans though out the year. Last week, my class and I made cards for veterans all over the world who are serving our country. Another way I help veterans, is by praying for them. I pray every night, that God will bring all the service men and women home safely. Some people think that serving others might take up a to of time in their day, but you can serve others b saying a little prayer. Even by saying “Thank you” might brighten a veteran’s day.

    Thank you to everyone who have served or are serving for our country.

    ~ Julia

    • Hi Julia,
      Those are great reminders of some simple, manageable ways we can return the favor to our veterans. It’s also wonderful to serve people who are in need.
      Please thank your brother-in-law for me also!
      ~Mrs. Donofrio

  10. Hello Mrs. Donofrio,

    I really like this blog post because, not a lot of people admire Veterans Day as a holiday like Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, New Years, And Fourth Of July. Every Veterans day my family and I hang an American flag outside my house. Also I pray for everyone that has served our country. Another way I Honor Veterans is writing them letters. About a week ago the 6th grade class wrote Veterans day cards with Pre Kindergarden. Sadly it was in the afternoon. Jaxson doesn’t stay for the afternoon. But a had a lot of fun with Finn.

    What are something you and your family do on Veterans Day?


    • Hi Connor,
      You and your family do a great job celebrating Veterans Day. We also hang our American Flag on our house, but it is there all year long, so it isn’t really special for Veterans Day. I guess one thing I do is write an annual blog post about Veterans Day. If you look in the archives, you will find a post I wrote about Veterans Day last year. It is listed under the service category on the sidebar.
      I hope you have another opportunity to work with Jaxson in school. Maybe Memorial Day? Do you know the difference between Veterans and Memorial Days?
      ~Mrs. Donofrio

  11. Dear Mrs.Donofrio,

    We can live by the words ”Veterans Day,” by going and be a veterans or you can thank the people who once and are now veterans. We show them that we are thankful by thank the people people who are veterans. We could also pray for them. We could also help the veterans who are sick and injured. I have done something to thank them by praying for them. I have done things to serve others by making food and taking care of some one when sick.

    • Hi Lizzy,
      You are right; each one of us can make a decision to become a veteran by enlisting to serve in the military. It’s a difficult decision because while it is very noble, it can also be dangerous. No matter what, choosing to be a veteran entails personal sacrifice. I am proud of you for praying and caring for our veterans, especially those who are injured or sick.
      ~Mrs. Donofrio

  12. Hi Mrs. Donofrio,
    The ideas you have above are some great ones. That makes it hard to think of any more, but I think that I have a good one. If you go to a hospital you can visit the veterans who are recovering, and you can give them flowers or something else that shows them you are grateful.
    I have done something that shows I appreciate our veterans. Every year my classmates and I make cards to send to the veterans for Cristmas and Valentines Day. The cards go to the men and woman who cannot make it home on those days.
    To serve others I collect tabs every time I drink a soda. It is a small task that can be done with little time. Do you know anyone who is a veteran?

    • Hi Brianne,
      Visiting veterans is a great idea! You are a smart cookie! I like the service projects you have done; both of them help people in need. I do know a few veterans; Mr. Mackey is a veteran. He served on Midway, an atoll near Hawaii. It’s only a little over 2 square miles. A few of my uncles are also veterans, and my dad served in the Navy aboard a ship named the U.S.S. Lloyd Thomas. Do you know any veterans, Brianne?
      ~Mrs. Donofrio

  13. Hey Mrs. Donofrio,
    Great Blog Post, you have really honored, and said great things about our Nation’s veterans. I have hoped I’ve done something as good. Can you think of any other ways to show appreciation to our veterans?

    Yes, I have done something to honor our nation’s veterans by going to Mr. Mackey and saying happy Veteran’s Day.

    What have you done to serve others? Well I’ve been going to things through Boy Scouts; like going to the Sin Fiesta and parking, BBQ Bash Parking, and many others.

  14. Hi Mrs. Donofrio
    Some ways I can show my appreciation to our veterans is wright cards to them. I have shown my appreciation to veteran in cards and thanking them in person by shaking there hand. Ways I have served others is by helping them up if they fell down or if they need help in a sport and helping them if they have a computer problem.

    Your Friend

  15. Hey Mrs. Donofrio!
    I love your colorful post! I also love how you always write a post about the holiday that we are celebrating. To answer the questions you have asked keep reading.
    One way that we can celebrate Veteran’s Day is by going to visit them in their homes or in the hospital. We should bring the love that they lacked in the war. We can sing them songs of thanks. It would bring so much joy to their lives.
    One way that I have been appreciative to our Veterans is by making them cards for my Social Studies and religion teacher Mrs. Gunther. Then she sent them to the veterans. I felt really good about doing that. I was proud.
    I used to, on Veteran’s Day, to go see my grandfather. He was in the Korean War. He lost most of his hearing in that war. After that he used to shuffle his feet because he couldn’t here them. It was sad but he always made the best of it. I loved my grandfather and I hope to see him again one day. I always think of him on Veteran’s Day, and thank him for risking his life to save others. Do you have a family member who was a war?

    • Hi Emmalee,
      I am also proud of you for your thoughtfulness toward the veterans. I do have some uncles, and my dad, who are veterans, but none of them served in a war. They all enlisted during peace time. I think enlisting during a time of war is especially brave. I really only personally know one man who served in a war, and that is the dad of one of my daughter’s friends. I don’t know him too well, either, but I do know that in addition to all the hardships he endured, his family sacrificed as well. It’s very hard when the father is gone for months, or even years, at a time. Veterans are very special people who certainly deserve our gratitude.
      ~Mrs. Donofrio

  16. Hi Mrs. Donofrio,
    Another way we can celebrate veterans is by sending them supplies that maybe their families cannot afford. We could also we could send their families cards and stuff that they would appreciate.
    Every year at school we send out veterans day cards so that the veterans know that we haven’t forgotten about them and that we appreciate their service.
    Some things that I have done to serve others is I have been apart of a fundraiser with my friends Ellie and Christine, where we sold donuts and coffee to people who showed up to school early for our school garage sale. It turned out really good and we made about $130!
    If you ever get the chance I would highly recommend doing a fundraiser. Not only is it helping out the community, it also is a ton of fun!
    Have you ever served others by doing a fundraiser?

    • Hi Baylee,
      Thanks for the great tips. I liked the Boo Bingo fundraiser we just did for Food for the Poor. I think we may do another one at Christmastime. As you know, we do a lot of fundraisers here at school, which is one of the best parts of being a teacher. Congratulations to you on the $130 you raised last year. You can read Christine’s comment where I remarked about your generosity towards others.
      ~Mrs. Donofrio

  17. Hey Mrs.Donofrio! I loved your quality post! There are many ways to show appreciation for our veterans. I have done millions of these. One way is to thank anybody you know that are ,or have been, veterans. For example, at our school the technology supporter, Mr.Mackey, served our country. I saw him in the hallway and gratefully thanked him. My grandfather was also a veteran, he served for a long time when he was younger. I always call him on Veteran’s Day to thank him. Last year in sixth grade we had to do a Veterans project. We chose a veteran we knew, I chose my grandpa, and we had to ask them some questions about their service time. Then we presented our answers to the class. Also every year in religion class we make cards and send them to the veterans hospital. Also sometimes when I pray, I mention the veterans. I pray for their safety, health, and families. Those are some things I have done to serve all veterans.

    Now I am going to tell you about somethings I have sone to serve others. With my homeroom teacher, we had a middle school dance last year and raised money for south Sudan. In our classroom we have a can for smile train. We raise money because we have a lost and found box, and if you loose something you have to pay 25 cents to get it out.

    How do you help others ? Are you related to any veterans? If so, do you thank them?

    • Hi Cooper,
      Thank you for your excellent comment. I love all the details in it. I have thanked veterans on occasion, even strangers that I see in uniform. It feels a little weird saying thank you to strangers, but I know it is the right thing to do, so I do it. I imagine that huge sacrifice the veterans have made for millions of strangers in our country, and then my momentary shyness disappears. Next time I see your grandfather, I will try to remember to thank him as well!
      ~Mrs. Donofrio

  18. Hi Mrs. Donofrio,
    I could think of a million ways to show appreciation to veterans, like sending gifts to the veterans or writing sweet letters.

    • Hi again Mrs. Donofrio,
      Yes I have done something for a veteran/veterans. Every year the middle school writes cards to the veterans. Last but not least, what do I do to serve others, well I volunteer with my mom and with my barn. My barns last volunteer job was at a place called Instride equine therapy! We helped raise money for all the kids who need proper surgery!

  19. Hey Mrs. Donofrio,
    I love your idea for this post!!!
    As you may know I love to bake and some of the other girls like to bake. So my idea would be to bring milk and cookies to the veteran’s hospital and we could bring cards and read them stories and just talk to them.
    Every year, at our school, we make and send card to the veteran’s hospital in Sarasota. We do this because we want the veteran’s to know that we appreciate them and the are not forgotten.

    Mr. Mackey, who is the computer technician at our school, is also a veteran and so is his wife. And we are very grateful for their service.

    For helping others, I’ve organized and ran two fundraisers, and raised over $600. My friends Baylee and Ellie helped out too.
    Fundraisers are a very good way to help out your community because it is a fun thing to do with your friends and it’s for a good cause. I would totally recommend doing fundraisers.

    Do you know any veterans?
    Have you every done anything to help your community?


    • Hi Christine,
      I have to tell you that I was so impressed with you, Baylee, and Ellie last year in your motivation to serve others less fortunate. At a relatively young age, you girls had an idea and carried it out with little support from any adults. Bravo!
      I love your idea of bringing cookies to the VA Hospital. I’m sure the veterans would be happy to eat one of your treats and listen to you read. Put that idea on your bucket list!
      I do know a few veterans, and I have done a bit, a very little bit, to show my appreciation to the veterans. You can read about that in my comments to Evan and Brianne. I have also done few small things to help the community: Smile Train, Shriners Hospital, Food for the Poor, Water for South Sudan, and ShelterBox, to name a few. One of the things I like about teaching is that I have the ability to harness a lot of people to help so that my efforts are greatly multiplied.
      ~Mrs. Donofrio

  20. Hi Mrs. Donofrio,
    I really enjoyed your post! I can think of a couple of things that I an do to appreciate our veterans. In fact, my grandfather is a veteran. He served in the Vietnam War. What I would do to appreciate my grandfather is that I would go to my grandparents house and spend some quality time with him and even make him a card. What I have done to serve others is I’ve sent cards to the veterans.
    What have you done to serve the Veterans?

    • Hi Evan,
      Please thank your grandfather for service to our country for me. Serving in the military is a very noble sacrifice, not only for the veteran, but for the entire family. I have done a few things to show my appreciation to the veterans, but nothing that I ever think is good enough. On the tenth anniversary of 9/11, I had all our students write to veterans who were serving overseas. We also sent them a care package filled with items they requested, like toiletries, puzzle books, cards, and snacks. We used the website Do you think you would like to pursue this service project again, Evan?
      ~Mrs. Donofrio

  21. Hi Mrs. Donofrio.

    I really liked this post. It also taught me some new facts that I can tell to Mrs. Kroll. I think another way to honor the veterans is to visit the families or there graves. My mom and I always visit My grandpa because he was a veteran in the war. I also learn about veterans day in school. Whenever my school has the mayor feeds the hungry, I donate some food. Do you have any family members that are veterans?

  22. Hi Mrs Donofrio,
    I think there are so many ways that people show their appreciation veteran’s day. Another way to show your appreciation is by possibly making a gift box or basket and sending or delivering it to them in person. I have shown my appreciation to the veterans that I know personally just this morning, when I texted my sister’s boyfriend, Rodney, and texted my best friend’s mom.
    Some activities that I and my class have done to serve others are to donate food to the All Faith’s Food Bank, and by donating tabs to the Shriner’s Hospital. Have you ever considered in serving our country? Why?

  23. Hey Mrs.Donofrio,
    I liked your post a lot because you made the colors of the post red, white, and blue which I thought was cool. For Veteran’s Day I always thank all the veterans I know. For instance, since my dad is a veteran I thanked this morning for his service. Also a few days ago we made cards for veterans in Mrs. Gunther’s class and I’m pretty sure we are going to send them to Vietnam. This is what I do to honor our veterans. Do you have a veteran in your family?

  24. I love the video! I’m not sure why, but you always have the best pictures, videos, quotes, etc…. There are a lot of things that you can do for veterans on Veteran’s Day. To answer your first question, we can send candy and other things that they would like. For the second question. Yes, I have sent a lot of candy, cards, balms and lotions .When I go to the local drugstore, they ask if I want to donate a candy bar I always say yes. How do I serve others. Hmmm? Well I always help people when they drop their books in the hall, I hold the door for people, I do a community service group and we do recycling. How do you serve others? Do you know any veterans?

    I think it’s cool that veterans day is on the 11th month 11th day and 11th hour. That would have been cool in 2011! 11/11/11 at 11. WOAH! WHELP! I’m going to go post on someone else’s blog! See ya later!

  25. I know someone who was a Veteran. He was my Tae Kwon Do teacher. The way I showed appreciation was I interview him for a project and it made him very proud. The way I serve others is that I shop at Goodwill.

  26. Hi Mrs.Donofrio!
    We can show appreciation to our veterans by writing them a card and by saying thank you to someone you know that is a veteran. That is how I appreciate veterans. I serve others by doing “my good deed for the day” which is if I see someone in need I try to help them. From helping my neighbor take out her trash because she has trouble walking or anything else like that. I think it is a nice to do little things like that it. Helping others makes me feel better.-Sydney

  27. Hi Mrs. Donofrio!
    I really loved the video, I learned about the Tomb of the Unknown. I didn’t know what it was until Sydney told me today:), how come the soldiers can’t be examined to identify them in a lab? My cousin goes to a college for military service at Oxford. It is really confusing to know where he is because during military service, he goes EVERYWHERE. One day he is in Italy and the next he is in America, I text him sometimes to ask him where he is. I have some ideas to show how much you appreciate a veteran: 1. give them a simple hug and tell them how much you appreciate them. 2. send a letter! I know it is old fashioned, but I personally love getting cards because getting cards doesn’t happen much anymore. It seems more personal then a text or call. 3. FaceTime, I FaceTime my cousin sometimes and I am going to tonight if I have any time. I helped a family two weeks ago, we did Boo Bingo. We are giving the family 25 chicks and a goat, I feel really good about that because I helped put bingo together and it makes me feel really good inside to know the family we helped will be so thrilled. Is this the first year we have helped families get animals? Hope to hear from you soon!
    Erin Szablowski

  28. Hey Mrs. Donofrio,

    This is a sublime post! I really loved the video and how it was made. I didn’t even know that the congress changed Veterans Day to October 4th. I’m glad hey changed it back. I also didn’t know that it was called Armistice Day until today. To answer one of your questions, yes I have done a lot to help others. I collected $265 dollars for Saint Jude’s hospital and I’m in the community service group here at school. I do lots of other little things with my family and I really love to do it too. My mom also say actions speak louder then words to me too. This is one of my favorite posts!! Do you have any Veterans in your close or extended family?

    Love, Hannah

  29. Hello Mrs. Donofrio!
    About a couple days ago in Mrs. Gunther’s class, Mrs. Gunther gave us pieces of construction paper and told us to make cards for the veterans in the Veteran’s Hospital. I thought it was thoughtful and nice how we made those cards, and I hope that they know that we are thinking of them and praying for them. Have you ever done anything like make a card or bring a care package to a veteran?
    I always knew that my uncle Randy was a veteran, but I had no idea that my grandpa was a veteran. My dad and I were talking in the car, and were talking about veterans that we knew. He told me that my grandpa served in the military. It feels like a big honor to have someone who served in the military in your family. I am very happy and thankful for the people who fought and are currently fighting and serving in the military. Do you know anyone who served or is serving in the military?

  30. Hi Mrs. Donofrio!
    I really think that Veteran’s day is a great idea. There are so many people in our country that fought for us, but haven’t really received recollection. At least, on this day, they can feel the love of millions of people praying and thanking them. I think one way to thank veterans is to blog about our thanks. Many veterans probably have social media, such as Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Showing your thanks could be as easy as taking a picture of the flag with caption- Want to thank our veterans! You are amazing. Thank you for helping our country! Super simple! When I was younger, I used to have neighbors, a husband and wife, who were veterans. They met in the marines, and marred seven years after. One year, I made cards for them, and sang as song about veterans from my preschool. Sadly, they died a couple moths later, on the same day. It was really depressing, because they had been great people, but we were glad that they went to heaven together.
    In memorial of them, more of our neighbors wrote notes and handed them out to other veterans in he area. It was really a great way to remember them.
    I like to volunteer, but I wish I could do more. One of my biggest role models is my Grandma Chris, who is retired. She spends a ton of her time volunteering for man, many places in the community. Someday, I want to be like her!
    Who is your role model?

  31. Hey Mrs. Donofrio,
    I loved your video. the only way I think we could show our appreciation to our veterans more would be to send all of our current or former military to there families in the US and any were else in the world. I think that would be a good way to honor our veterans more. I have shone appreciation to our veterans in a lot of ways writing cards to my family who were in the military and I write cards here in school in Mrs. Gunther’s class, and I go to my grandfathers grave and put red, white, and blue/purple flowers on it with a flag. I have done a lot to serve others …
    *helping my mom clean houses on the weekend
    * folding the flag at school every morning and night
    * I cary the water jugs from my caches car to the field every monday, tuesday, and thursday
    * And I hold the door open for my teachers and class mates sometimes
    What have you done to serve others?

    your student,

  32. Hello gain Mrs. Donofrio! I loved your complimentary compliment. I agree with you that it would be hard, for me at least, to have a father gone away in a war. I would be so nervous that maybe he wouldn’t return. How would you feel if your husband had to go away for war?

  33. Hi Mrs. Donofrio,
    I thought that the ideas you put on the post about showing your appreciation for our veterans was spectacular. I would like to try some of those things for Veterans Day next year. Some ways that we can show our appreciation for the veterans is we could send them prayer shawls, or we could send them some blankets that might help them feel happy. We could also send them supply boxes, and we could put all of the veteran on our class prayer board. Another thing that we could do is decorate some cards with stars, the American Flag, and we could even add some words of thanks. I have sent some card to the veterans and I have prayed for them at mass or in school with my wonderful teachers and classmates. Some things that I have done to serve others is by participating in a activity called Boo Bingo, where I helped set up and I helped teach some of the younger kids how to play bingo. I have also been a assistant crew leader in Bible school. I really love Veterans Day because I think that this is an important day for us to be grateful for all of the things that the veterans do for us, and I think the veterans really appreciate that. Do you have any family members that have served, or are still serving? Happy Veterans Day!
    🙂 Reanne

  34. Hi Mrs. Donofrio!
    Every year in Mrs. Gunther’s class, we make cards thanking the veterans for their services and send them to James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital in Tampa. We also did a report in sixth grade, and we had to interview a veteran. I interviewed by sister’s softball coach Jeff. I learned a lot of interesting things while doing that project.
    Do you know the names of any other veterans’ hospitals? Have you ever been to one?

  35. Hi Mrs.Donofrio

    Here are some ways I though that you could honor our veterans

    1. Send baskets with essentials with things like toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo,and shaving cream

    2. You could write letters thanking them for there services to the U.S. like we did in Mrs.Gunther’s class

    3. You could also say thank for your service you when you see a veteran

    Yes I have I sent an basket of essentials to my friend Werner and he shared them with his friends there was a box of Girl Scout cookies that they shared.He flys the apaches in the Air Force.

    To help others I donated food to the mayors feed the hunger.

  36. Hi Mrs. Donofrio,

    One way of showing appreciation to veterans is by respecting them. They deserve this respect because they fought for our country for freedom. At my mom’s work I met a lot of veterans who were in every branch of the military. At home we usually wear red white and blue to salute our veterans. If you were in the military what branch would you like to be in? I would be in the Air Force.


  37. Hi Mrs. Donofrio,
    You gave a TON of ideas for someone to do for a veteran! I think that one thing that you can do, and you didn’t include is to help a veteran around the house. Like doing their dishes, taking out their trash, walking their dog, or if they have kids you could babysit. I think that everyday things that we don’t normally like to do would be a nice little thing to make their day!

  38. Dear Mrs. Donofrio,
    That was such a nice post! I never realized or thought about how many things we do to help people. One way that I show appreciation to veterans is that I send letters to all our family members and friends that were veterans. Another thing that I try to do is have a nice, big dinner with our family and friends to honor our family veterans both dead and alive. One thing I have done to show appreciation to our veterans is that I and the Pre-Ks’ made cards for lots of veterans, I also say the rosary on Veterans day in honor of the people who served. A few things I have done to serve others is that I once did a lemonade stand, and the money we made we sent to children in the hospital. Another thing that we do every year is raise food for the Mayor’s feed the Hungry program. Do you have any family members that were veterans? If so, what kind of work did they do?

  39. Hey Mrs.Donofrio,
    I can think of many ways to help the veterans! One way is to send to them patriotic gifts on patriotic holidays. Another, is to bake something for a veteran you know or are related to. Something I’ve done for a veteran? Well, my grandpa’s a veteran and we get him his favorite assortment of peanuts every year. They are mostly cashews and the non-salted kind. Serving others….. I’ve done tens or thousands of things for my church! I sing in two choirs, ring in two bell choirs, and I cantor. Some other things are volunteering at VBS( Vacation Bible School), altar serving, and volunteer for after school ECS(Epiphany Cathedral School) activities.
    What do you do for our community?

  40. Hi Mrs. Donofrio, you and your students have thought of many meaningful ways to recognize and remember veterans. If you or your students have a chance, please take a look at the latest posts on our student blogs. Students wrote poems for Remembrance Day. We looked at some primary source images–photographs from World War I and World War II from the Canadian National Archives and the Canadian War Museum, and wrote poems in the style of Nancy Patz’ book “Who Was the Woman Who Wore the Hat?” (please look it up–it’s very moving). Several of the poems were read at our Remembrance Day assembly.
    As well, I have written a post recognizing YOU. Come take a look when you have time.
    Jan Smith

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