We are Thankful For….

In the United States, we celebrate Thanksgiving this month.  Thanksgiving began when the Pilgrims thanked God for their new home in Plimoth and their new friends, the Wampanoag tribe.

We are grateful for our friends at Huzzah who helped us learn the basics of blogging last year.  They continue to be an inspiration to us, and we want to congratulate them on their recognition today from The Edublogger as an exemplary classroom blog.

Hooray for Huzzah!

Hooray for Huzzah!

As we mentioned yesterday, we are also thankful for our veterans.

For the rest of this month, we’d like to make a list of everything for which we give thanks.  Add to our list by leaving a comment and continuing the count with a numerical number.   Let’s see how much thanks we can give!  100 items?

We are thankful for…

1. Huzzah! 

2. our veterans

3. finding my lunch box that had been lost for a week!  Thank you, Mr. Mackey!

4. watching my son and daughter play basketball for their school teams this afternoon.

5.  the knowledge that God is watching over me.  Today I lost my car key and couldn’t go home from school.  Without realizing it, I had put it down this morning, along with a lot of other things I was carrying, on a wall near some bushes.  When I picked up all the other bags, I left the key there.  At lunch time, a 5th grader found it in the mulch.  He told his teacher.  She brought it to the office.  At 4:30 when I wanted to go home, I had no key.  After frantically looking through my pocketbook and schoolbag, I headed back into school to look on my desk, telling my daughter to pray to St. Anthony and praying myself, “Dear St. Anthony, please look around.  Something’s lost and can’t be found.” Mrs. Gunther, the 6th grade teacher I ride to school with, followed me back into school, even though I told her she could wait in the car.  She saw the 5th grade teacher and told her we were looking for the key.  The 5th grade teacher had found the key; it was in the school office!  BUT the office was locked. and everyone had gone home.  Boo hoo.  We tried the parish office.  Yes!  Brother Peter had a key and knew the code to the alarm.  He unlocked the door, turned off the alarm, looked around for my key, FOUND IT, reset the alarm, and gave me back my key.  In order for me to get my car key back, all of the following had to have occurred:  Mrs. Gunther had to have decided to follow me back inside school; the 5th grade teacher had to also have been working late AND walking out of the building at the exact same time we were walking back in, the 5th grade boy had to play in the mulch today and found the key to begin with; Brother Peter had to be available late in the day.  THANK YOU ST. ANTHONY!

What are you thankful for?  Write it down!  Next comment starts with #6.





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47 thoughts on “We are Thankful For….

  1. #6. Hi Mrs.Donofrio,Im am thankful for lots of things, and if I wrote all the things I was thankful for it would be a million pages long. But the thing I’m most thankful for is my family. I am thankful for my family because we are like peas in a pod.We are very close, and we help and love eachother.

    • This is a lovely comment, Cooper. Great simile and hyperbole! Plus, your choice for the top of your thankful list is sublime. I am thankful to have you in my class (and for your sisters, too!).
      ~Mrs. Donofrio

  2. Hi Mrs.Donofrio,
    This is what I am thankful for……….
    #7.I am thankful for my family and friends for always being there for me and having my back no matter how annoying I am and They will always love me no matter what.

  3. 8. successful operations and medical procedures. We live in a time where a fatal disease of the Middle Ages is fast to cure, or a gruesome injury is easily fixed. Our common medical knowledge we often take for granted, but think of what life would be like if we didn’t know? It’s almost unimaginable, which is why I am very thankful for our present-day theories that keep us safe.

  4. Hi Mrs. Donofrio! I am thankful for:
    10) Our brave veterans, who fight for our freedom every day. Even though I don’t have family members who have fought, I still give anyone my full respect.
    11) My family, who makes my life complete. My life would certainly NOT be the same without them. They have always been there for me, and I am extremely thankful for them. Andrea and Monica, thank you for being my role models and for telling me the right things to do as I grow up, and move on in my life.
    12) My school and friends. I have been at my school for about seven years now, and most of my friends have been there with me, too.
    Those are the things that I am thankful for.

  5. 21. my parents and family. I am thankful for them because my parents give me food and a place to sleep, and my family because I get to do a lot of things with them. P.S.: Mrs.Donofrio, I’m Maria’s brother.

  6. Hi Mrs. Donofrio,
    I am thankful for…
    22. my parents for always helping and supporting me through out life.
    23. Jaden, my sister, for always making me laugh.
    24. my gymnastics coaches, because without them I wouldn’t have been as good of a gymnast that I am right now.
    25. my new friends at my new school, for bringing me right in and caring for me.
    26. the pilgrims for finding America!
    27. our ancestors for guiding us along our way.
    28. GOD! For always believing in me and making sure I make good decisions through out life.
    That is what I am thankful for!

  7. Hi Mrs.Donofrio! Here is what I am grateful for.

    29) Family- I am grateful for them because they support me when I do something right or sometimes they say “Its ok” when I accidently do something wrong.

    30) Friends- My friends help me with homework when I have trouble. And when I had my BIG ear surgery Sadie and her family sent me AMAZING cookies and Cogan and her family sent stuff too. So I was grateful for them for thinking about me and my sister.

  8. Hello Mrs.Donofrio. I am Brooke’s Grandma.
    31. I am so grateful for my family. Family is always there for you in your bad times and good times.

  9. Hello Mrs. Donofrio,
    I am thankful for:
    32. my family and friends. My family has been supporting ever since I entered the world and my friends make me feel happy when I’m sad.

    33. my teachers because they help my education bloom and they encourage me to try my hardest.

    34. my life because innocent children and adults are being killed.

    35. God because without him I would not be here and I would not be who I am today!


  10. Hi Mrs.Donofrio!
    #6. Hmmmmmmmmm. This one is tough. Not that I’m not thankful, just that I don’t know what to put down. Ooh! I know! I’ll just put down six!
    36) Clean water. After hearing what’s happening in Africa, I am glad that we have clean, fresh, water for us to drink.
    37) My school. Most people can’t afford to go to school, while we are pained to get up every morning and go to get an education.
    38) My family, who is always there for me through thick and thin.
    39) My classmates, who always make me laugh.
    40) My dogs, who do not mind if I use them as pillows.
    41) Jesus, for dying on the cross for me and saving us for our sins.
    42) Oh, yea, who am I forgetting………….. You! Mrs. Donofrio, you are my favorite teacher! You helped me fit in, and you always make the class smile.

    Oops, I did seven. Oh well.

  11. 43. My whole family, near and far. I am especially grateful that my mom moved to Florida this year. I am lucky to have a wonderful sister, four healthy children, and a kind, hard-working husband.
    44. Great students! My “kids” help me stay positive, alert, and humble. Teaching is in my blood. I believe that teaching, healing, and preaching-the work Jesus did-are callings rather than jobs. I am grateful to work as a teacher with fantastic students and in the same school my children attend. Not many people have that opportunity. Plus, Epiphany is a great school for our family. We have made many friends through Epiphany, and for that I am grateful.

  12. Dear Mrs. Donofrio,
    I find your blog very well put together and interesting! I am apart of a middle school blog in the United States. I loved this post so much, very inspiring! As for me, I could talk about being thankful on and on and on. Good luck on the Edublogs challenge on behalf of your fellow Edublog-ers!
    You can visit us at CougarNewsBlog.com! Have a great day and thank you!

    • Hi Alysa,
      Thank you so much for your kind words. I did visit your Cougar News blog and was at least as equally impressed by it as you were inspired by ours. I left you a comment on your blog, so I won’t repeat myself here, but I hope our classes can become blogging buddies this year.
      Keep up the good work!
      ~Mrs. Donofrio

  13. Hello Mrs. Donofrio,
    45. I have too, too many blessings to even count. Thank you, God, for each and every one! I am most thankful for my faith, my family, and my friends….and that includes YOU! .

    🙂 Mrs. Picot

  14. Hello All,
    46. I’m thankful for my good health and the ability to walk and use my muscles. Not everyone has that ability. I’m also thank for my family and friends.

  15. Hi Mrs. Donofrio,
    I’m thankful for so many things. I really love my family.
    #47. I’m thankful for my family. My family does so much for me. I really love them.
    #48. I’m thankful for school. Sometimes I really don’t want to get out of bed. Or even go to school. Sometimes I’m glad to go because I have wonderful teachers that teach me all sorts of stuff.
    #49. Last but not least my gift of creativity. My life wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t have that one of a kind gift that God gave me.
    Hope to blog you later and Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. 50. hi its Tori i am Sara’s friend and i am thankful for my friends.i am thankful for my friends because they are always there for me. whenever i am feeling low they will be there to cheer me up.

  17. 51. Hi i am Sara’s Aunt and i am thankful for my loving family. i love my family because we always have fun together. We love to hang out and play corn whole. we go camping with Mackeys all the time. we have so much fun

  18. Hi Mrs. Donofrio.
    I really enjoyed your article talking about things you were thankful for.
    52. It was fun to think about other things that I was thankful for that I hadn’t thought about before, such as having a lunchbox. If you would like come check out our class blog! http://cougarnewsblog.com/

  19. Hi Mrs. Donofrio
    53. I am thankful for a wonderful family, a house, and a bed, also friends and a great school.
    54. I am thankful for my the love from my family and friends and I am thankful for my loving husband
    ~James’ mom
    55. I’m thankful for my friends and family. I wouldn’t be who I am today without them.
    -James’s Sister, Cassie
    56. I am thankful for my loving wife who’s always there for me. I’m thankful for my wonderful kids
    -James’ Dad
    I am thankful for my truck my family and friends and my new dog and moving into my new house with my friend.
    -James’ brother

  20. #57
    I am thankful for everything in my life. A great school, a great family, great teachers, and my friends. I would write more, but it would be a million pages long I just have so much to be thankful for. What is the most thing you are thankful for?

  21. Hey Mrs.Donofrio,
    ~There are so many things I am grateful for but I am very grateful to be an American.
    ~ I am grateful for my family especially my mom.
    ~ I am grateful for my prayer partner because on some days It is nice to have extra prayers.
    ~ I am grateful for Mrs. Donofrio and all my teachers that help me learn.
    ~ I am grateful for my great school and wonderful principal.
    ~ I am grateful to be able to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
    ~ I am grateful that I can go to church on Sunday and pray to God.
    ~ I am grateful for blogging too.
    Visit my blog at http://www.abbylsblog.edublogs.org


  22. Heather’s Grandmother
    I am thankful for…
    #59. The Lord giving me each and every day.
    >I am thankful for my family.
    > That the Lord asked me to take care of my grand-daughter.
    >I am thankful for the food we have to eat everyday.
    >I am thankful for my health.

    Heather’s Grandfather
    I am thankful for…
    #60.For my family and friends.
    > Thankful for God who watches over me and my family.
    >Being in the U.S Army and returning safely and unharmed.
    >For my loving wife, who I know for 30 years.
    > Thankful for my grand-daughter who the both of us love.

  23. I am thankful for…
    #61. Being an American.
    > For returning home safely from the air force and for the other veterans who have so greatly served for our country.
    > For being a policeman for 25 years, helping people and serving justice.
    > For being alive at 80 years of age.
    > For my wife and everything she does for me.
    > For my golfing buddies who have been my friends for over 5 years.

  24. I am grateful and thankful for…
    #62. My life.
    > My husband who has been there for me for over 20 years.
    > My home.
    >My dog.
    >My parents and everything they raised me to be.

  25. I am thankful for…
    #63. My Grandparents. I am thankful for my loving and supportive grandparents. They have raised me and have always been there to get me through the rough times, to give me advice, to guide me and to watch me grow up.
    > For God who gave me the gift of life and the opportunity to live to know him, love him, and serve him.
    >My family. They have helped me grow up. They have loved me unconditionally and tough me how to love.
    > For all the talents I have been given and for the talents I will discover as I get older.
    > I am grateful for my teachers and my coach. My teachers are there to help me learn and absorb as much as I can and to prepare me for when I’m on my own in the big world. My coach is always there to help me and to make me a better athlete.
    >I am grateful for the roof that is over my head. Not having to worry when I will have my next meal.. I am thankful for my health.
    > I am thankful for all the great friends that I have been blessed with.
    > I am thankful for the life I’m living.

  26. Hi Mrs. Donofrio! Happy Thanksgiving! These are some things that I am very thankful to have. 64) I am thankful for a loving family and a house to live in. 65) I am thankful that God gave me an education at a nice school. 66) I am thankful that God gave me the ability to get up every morning. (Some people cannot do that) 67) I am thankful that me and all my family members are healthy. 68) I am thankful for food on the table every day. 69) Most importantly, I am thankful for love. -Mallory

  27. #70
    I am thankful for many things but I am very thankful for my family. I am thankful that my family and I have a great relationship and can rely on each other.


  28. Hi Mrs. Donofrio,
    This is what I’m thankful for.
    71) My mom because she takes care of me and always knows what’s best for me.
    72) My dad because without him I wouldn’t be as talented as I am in sports.
    73) My brother because he always puts a smile on my face.
    74) All of my cousins because they always make me laugh!
    75) God because he died not for just me but for everyone to save us from sin.

    There is so many other things I’m thankful for, it would take me a year just to write them all down!

  29. 76. I am thankful for many people in my life, especially my family. 77. I am thankful for all of nature. 78. I am thankful for many blessings.

  30. 86. I am thankful for my family and friends. I am especially thankful for my parents, who do so much for me.

  31. 87. I am thankful for my family and friends, they always are there for me and keep me entertained. I am also thankful for my health this year, I am able to make strides in my accomplishments and stay focused in school because of my well being.

  32. 88. Tonight I am thankful for my husband who spent the last two days hanging Christmas lights on our house. He didn’t want to do it again this year, but he did it because I think it looks so pretty. I am thankful for him and for our home.
    89. I am thankful also that I got all the book reports graded. That is a long, hard job.
    90. I am thankful I had a delicious Thanksgiving dinner with my family.
    91. I am thankful for all the parents who helped make this year’s Medieval Fair such a big success!
    92. I am thankful for my health and for that of my children and husband. Every day we wake up and can get out of bed is a gift.

  33. 93. I am thankful for my family, friends, food, water, safety and all the love I get!

    Hi, I’m Blythe’s Mom and I am very thankful for my children because they are truly gifts from God. I am thankful for my friends both old and new. I am thankful for my big family because they are all unique and special and with them there is never a dull moment. I am thankful for my parents and my dear husband. I am thankful for our school and church and hope that they continue to receive God’s good blessings.

  34. #93 I am thankful Mrs. Donofrio and my other teachers at ECS.
    #94 I am thankful for my BFFS Megan, Sydney, and Courtney.
    #95 I am thankful for my parents and my family.

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