Hey Kids!
I hope everyone’s summer is going along swimmingly! I’m happy to report that a number of you have been blogging during vacation. Woo-hoo! Way to go! I’m enjoying reading your posts from vacations to Atlanta to the Miami Heat to bucket lists.
I want to share a summer reading program with you called A Million Books for HOPE. In reading Mrs. Rombach Reads (an excellent blog by the way; check it out), I learned about this program which aims to raise funds in order to fight childhood cancers. A Million Books for HOPE was started by 8-year-old Hope Veazey and her two sisters, Joy and Peace. Hope was diagnosed with leukemia on July 10, 2013. Her mother writes that reading has been a stronghold for Hope, distracting her from her hard days of chemotherapy and helping her to keep up with her days of missed class time. To that end, Hope’s family teamed up with The Truth 365, a campaign devoted to increasing awareness and research for childhood cancer. According to their website, “cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children and adolescents in the United States. In fact, cancer kills 7 children every day in the United States. (Source: National Cancer Institute). Each year in the United States, approximately 13,500 children and adolescents 18 and under are diagnosed with cancer. That’s more than a classroom of kids a day.” (Sources: Center for Disease Control and Children’s Oncology Group).
The goal of A Million Books for HOPE read-a-thon is to raise money for pediatric cancer research by reading and receiving sponsorships for each book read over the summer. Students can register and create a reading page which will keep family and friends updated on the number of books read over the summer and offer a way for these family members and friends to make a donation for every book read. In addition, Barnes and Noble is offering prizes to students who raise $250 or more. Every student who raises $250 will receive a Barnes and Noble gift card for $25. Students who raise $500 will receive a $50 gift card. You can find information about all available prizes as well as dates, deadlines, and reading logs here. Families can register as a team as well. My family is on board! I hope you will join us!
After you read a book, remember to list it on your summer log and leave a quick review of it on our Summer Reading post. Also, it would be great to keep anyone who is sick in our prayers this summer. Write their names down in your own little prayer book so you remember them.
How can you make an impact on this world this summer?