Have you ever played the game Facts in Five?
photo credit 2015 University Games Corporation
Facts in Five is a GREAT game for those who like to challenge their minds, compete with their friends, and have fun. That’s pretty much everyone, right?
This past month, we have learned some great facts from five different sources. Special guests visited our class this month, both in person and via Skype, to share scientific, historical, and cinematic information with us that added to our understanding and enjoyment of novels we have read. In addition, we began writing our own informational texts, again inspired by our novels, to broaden our knowledge base in scientific areas.
Here are five categories each with some information that helps us learn more about books that we read.
What type of rock decays underground to form a sinkhole? (Click on the photo below to find out!)
In what state does the story Under the Blood Red Sun take place? (Click on the photo below to find out!)

Movie producer Dana Hankins and author Graham Salisbury visit via Skype to share information about creating a film from the novel Under the Blood Red Sun.
What sport has the highest concussion rate for its participants?
Who wrote Up From Slavery?
What type of plagiarism is common and most severe in intent?
Did you get all five facts?
See if you can stump us! Leave a question in our comment box and check the box that indicates you would like to receive follow up comments. Let the games begin!